Demo for using Coffeescript in GitHub Pages

View the Project on GitHub francisfuzz/using-coffeescript-in-pages

Using CoffeeScript in GitHub Pages


First, follow these instructions:

Next, follow the instructions for customizing your theme’s HTML layout. Be sure to use the theme you added with theme chooser; you’ll create a new _layouts/default.html file using the same contents as the theme.


Follow these instructions for testing the Pages site locally. The repo include some “convenience” scripts for bootstrapping and serving up the site.

Ensure that your Gemfile is created:


source ''

gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins

As well as your _config.yml being updated to use CoffeeScript:

# I chose this theme, but yours could be completely different 😉
theme: jekyll-theme-minimal

  - jekyll-coffeescript

The CoffeeScript

Create a new file, assets/js/


# Source:
# Assignment:
number   = 42
opposite = true

# Conditions:
number = -42 if opposite

# Functions:
square = (x) -> x * x

# Arrays:
list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Objects:
math =
  root:   Math.sqrt
  square: square
  cube:   (x) -> x * square x

# Splats:
race = (winner, runners...) ->
  print winner, runners

originallyCompiledFromCoffeeScript = true 

# Existence:
console.log "This alert was originally compiled from CoffeeScript!" if originallyCompiledFromCoffeeScript?

# Array comprehensions:
cubes = (math.cube num for num in list)

Some important observations:

Last, incorporate the file in the _layouts/default.html created earlier:

    <script src="/using-coffeescript-in-pages/assets/js/index.js"></script>

Run the site – locally or on GitHub Pages itself – and open your browser’s JavaScript Console. You should see the following message logged:

"This alert was originally compiled from CoffeeScript!"
